Sunday, March 16, 2008

Friday night....
I came home and my roommate comes up to me and says, "I am bored. What should we do?"

I guess I am an expert on what to do if you are bored.(yeah right!)
In the end of all my suggestions we went to Walmart bought some hair dye(for me) and came home.

I went into the bathroom and then proceeded to dye my hair brown.

Then I remembered that we had some fake tattoos that we had bought at the dollar store the other night.

Now everyone in our apartment has a tattoo on them somewhere or another.

I guess now that I died my hair all of my roommates want to do something with their hair. So sometime this week we are going to Sally's and we are going to buy some kind of colorful wash-out dye. and all of us are going to dye a strand of hair some crazy color. I think Purple was the deciding color.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't be a lemming...